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The Reut Group

From Vision to Reality

Reut’s vision is of a twenty-first century Zionism that guarantees the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in the State of Israel as a secure, prosperous, and democratic state; secures the continued meaningful existence of the Jewish people; and aspires for the State of Israel to serve as a leading light among nations.

Latest Publications

The Israeli Diaspora as a Catalyst  for Jewish Peoplehood: Conceptual Framework

The Israeli Diaspora as a Catalyst for Jewish Peoplehood: Conceptual Framework

An Emerging Opportunity within the Changing Relationship between Israel and the Jewish world

Israel’s New Social Contract for  Growth, Inclusiveness and Community-Building

Israel’s New Social Contract for Growth, Inclusiveness and Community-Building

ISRAEL 15 Vision

Faculty of Medicine Leapfrogging the Galilee

Faculty of Medicine Leapfrogging the Galilee

Conceptual Framework for the ILC's Potential Future Leadership Role

Conceptual Framework for the ILC's Potential Future Leadership Role

Leveraging the Israeli Diaspora in the US

BRI Advisory Committee

BRI Advisory Committee

Summary of Nov 1st meeting in NYC

 Inclusive, High and Sustainable Growth

Inclusive, High and Sustainable Growth

The ISRAEL 15 Vision

Latest Activities

Peoplehood Coalition Meeting 1

Peoplehood Coalition Meeting 1

Community Relations Roundtable

Community Relations Roundtable

Z3 PrepCom

Z3 PrepCom

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