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The Reut Group

From Vision to Reality

Reut’s vision is of a twenty-first century Zionism that guarantees the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in the State of Israel as a secure, prosperous, and democratic state; secures the continued meaningful existence of the Jewish people; and aspires for the State of Israel to serve as a leading light among nations.

Latest Publications

Iranian Hegemony

Iranian Hegemony

Resolutions 242 and 338

Resolutions 242 and 338

Israel's 'Nuclear Ambiguity' Policy

Israel's 'Nuclear Ambiguity' Policy

Draft UN Resolution on Lebanon – Where is the Catch?

Draft UN Resolution on Lebanon – Where is the Catch?

Point of View | 47

Military Presence in South Lebanon – Asset or Liability

Military Presence in South Lebanon – Asset or Liability

Point of View | 46

UN Security Council Resolution 1680

UN Security Council Resolution 1680

Latest Activities

Peoplehood Coalition Meeting 1

Peoplehood Coalition Meeting 1

Community Relations Roundtable

Community Relations Roundtable

Z3 PrepCom

Z3 PrepCom

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