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The Reut Group

From Vision to Reality

Reut’s vision is of a twenty-first century Zionism that guarantees the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in the State of Israel as a secure, prosperous, and democratic state; secures the continued meaningful existence of the Jewish people; and aspires for the State of Israel to serve as a leading light among nations.

Latest Publications

The Herzliya Accord - Setting Budget Priorities

The Herzliya Accord - Setting Budget Priorities

Reut's (Re)view

Reut's (Re)view

April-May 2020

The Middle Eastern Game of Thrones: On the Eve of Biden Administration

The Middle Eastern Game of Thrones: On the Eve of Biden Administration

System Overview no. 2

Erasure in the Contemporary Progressive discourse:  The Challenge to Jewish Communities & Israel

Erasure in the Contemporary Progressive discourse: The Challenge to Jewish Communities & Israel

An Assessment and call for Response (Version B)



Tracking Developments in the Progressive Field

IAC Strategic Plan

IAC Strategic Plan

Latest Activities

Peoplehood Coalition Meeting 1

Peoplehood Coalition Meeting 1

Community Relations Roundtable

Community Relations Roundtable

Z3 PrepCom

Z3 PrepCom

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