Human Development Index
The Human Development Index (HDI) provides a composite measure of well-being. All countries included in the HDI are classified into one of three clusters according to achievements in human development: high, medium, or low.
The goal of the "Top 15 Vision" is to see Israel achieve a significant socioeconomic advancement that would put Israel among the 15 leading countries in terms of Quality of Life within fifteen years.
Quality of Life is a subjective term determined by various components. Numerous indices attempt to measure the Quality of Life of individuals in different countries. The most prominent indices among them are the Economist's Quality of Life Index, the UN Human Development Index, and the Quality of Life chapter in the OECD Factbook. These indices utilize a range of methodologies and examine diverse components of Quality of Life.
National Leapfrog
According to 2006 Index, Israel is ranked 23rd out of 117 countries. With a score of 0.927, Israel is included in the 'High Human Development' category.