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International Involvement Predicament (1) – Scope of the Mandate

Point of View No. 42

PM Olmert and Secretary of State Rice discussed this week the prospects of the establishment of an international force that would prepare the ground for the Lebanese army to deploy along that country's southern border (Haaretz, 7/30).  The Re'ut Institute contends that the dilemma Israel is facing tips the scales between:

  • A battle over the force's mandate, which is likely to be involved with an ongoing Israeli presence in Lebanon and a possible failure of the force's deployment.

  • A compromise over the force's mandate that is likely to ease both its deployment and an Israeli withdrawal.


  • As clashes between Israel and Hizbullah took place, Israel posed three demands: the immediate release of the kidnapped soldiers, the implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1559 and the disarmament of Hizbullah and the deployment of the Lebanese army at the country's southern border.

  • Later, Israel demanded an international force will be established, so it would replace UNIFIL and prepare the ground for the Lebanese Army to deploy and implement Resolution 1559.

  • Hizbullah resists the deployment of international force in this format (see interview with member of Lebanese Parliament in Al-Jazeera, 7/24), though it agrees to the presence of international force with a limited scope (Bar'el, Haaretz, 7/30).

International Involvement Predicament (1) – Scope of the Mandate


National Security

Regional Security

In light of Hizbullah’s opposition, the probability of the establishment of an international force and an Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon is decreasing.

קראו את הגרסה בעברית

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