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UN Security Council Resolutions 1737 and 1747


The term UN Resolutions 1737 and 1747 refers to UN Security Council resolution 1737 (12/23/06), imposing sanctions against Iran for failing to suspend its uranium enrichment activities and missile program, as required by the UN Security Council resolution 1696; and to Resolution 1747 (3/24/07), which intensified the sanctions against Iran in light of its non-compliance with resolution 1737.


In August 2002, Western intelligence sources revealed a uranium enrichment facility and a heavy-water production plant in Iran. As a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT), Iran violated its obligation to declare all its nuclear facilities and use of nuclear material. Having breached NPT regulations, Iran sought to increase international confidence in its peaceful intentions by allowing inspections by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). However, Iran's cooperation with IAEA was incomplete.

Despite various year-long efforts of the IAEA, US, Russia, China, France, Britain and Germany - both separately and as part of the EU-3 and the 'six world powers' - to reach an agreement with Iran to cease its uranium enrichment, Iran continued significant nuclear activity, including uranium enrichment.

In light of Iran's refusal to cooperate, the UN Security Council passed resolution 1696, which ordered Iran to halt its nuclear activities by August 31, 2006, or face possible sanctions.

When Iran failed to meet the imposed deadline, the 'six world powers' entered into negotiations on the UN Security Council's next steps. While US wanted to impose severe economic sanctions, prohibiting all trade relations with Iran, Russia and China refused to support such sanctions. Ultimately, a compromise version the UN Security Council Resolution 1737 was passed by unanimous vote (12/23/06).

Resolution 1737 set a deadline of 60 days for Iran to fulfill the resolution's requests, principally to halt its uranium enrichment. Having failed to meet the deadline, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1747 (3/24/07), which only intensified the previous resolution's sanctions.

UN Security Council Resolutions 1737 and 1747


Concepts and Terms

National Security

Regional Security

While Iran has a right to develop, research and use nuclear energy; the Security Council wishes to preempt any attempt to develop nuclear military abilities.

קראו את הגרסה בעברית

Legitimacy, Emergency Preparedness, Delegitimization, Zionism, Diaspora Relations

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