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Wall of Legitimacy


The concept Wall of Legitimacy refers to the Israeli national security perspective whose purpose is to stabilize the border regime without agreement with a hostile neighboring entity of which Israel may control a part of its territory.

This national security perspective is implemented by means of two elements:​

  1. unilateral Israeli withdrawal to internationally Recognized Borders, and

  2. military deterrence.

The Wall of Legitimacy model has been implemented twice: Israel's withdrawal from Lebanon (05/00) and the Disengagement from Gaza (08/05).


The Wall of Legitimacy is based on the assumption that the combination of deterrence and withdrawal to internationally recognized borders will:​

  1. grant Israel with legitimacy in the eyes of the international community, who would concede that Israel is not an occupying force and is not responsible for the vacated territory (See End of Responsibility, End of Occupation, and Recognized Border); and

  2. reduce the legitimacy of internal resistance movements to continue to harm Israel, using occupation of territory as a pretext for attacks.​

This national security policy developed under Barak's government in the 1990's as the IDF was deployed in the buffer zone of South Lebanon.

Wall of Legitimacy


Concept Paper

National Security

Regional Security

The Israeli government decided that after its withdrawal from the Gaza Strip, Israel’s Responsibility over the local population will be terminated and thus Israel will no longer be considered as an occupier.

קראו את הגרסה בעברית

Two State Solution, Diaspora Relations, Delegitimization, Partner for Peace, Emergency Management

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